PHY 4324 Electromagnetism 2
Spring 2024
MWF Period 5 (11:45 PM - 12:35 PM), NPB 1102
Chunjing Jia
Email: chunjing@phys.ufl.edu
Office Hours: Mon 10:00 - 10:50 AM, Thu 10:00 - 10:50PM
Office: NPB 2312
The second part of the two-semester sequence on standard undergraduate-level electromagnetism, this course covers time-dependent aspects, with a main focus on Maxwell’s equations in differential form and their applications.
PHY 2049 or equivalent, and PHY 3323 or equivalent
The text is the book by Griffiths: Introduction to Electrodynamics, (Fourth Edition). We will attempt to cover Chapters 7–11. Recommended versions for the textbooks are: 4th or 5th edition from Cambridge Univ. Press.
Week 1: Fri, Review of E&M 1;
Week 2: Mon, Ch 7.1.1; Wed, Ch 7.1.2 & 7.1.3; Fri, Ch 7.2.1 & 7.2.2
Week 3: Mon, holiday; Wed, Ch 7.2.3 & 7.2.4, HW 1 post; Fri, Ch 7.3.1-7.3.4;
Week 4: Mon, Ch 7.3.5; Wed, Ch 7.3.6; Fri, Ch 8.1, HW 1 due, HW 2 post;
Week 5: Mon, Ch 8.2.1 & 8.2.2, , HW 2 post; Wed, Ch 8.2.3 & 8.2.4; Fri, Review of Ch 8, HW 2 due;
Week 6: Mon, In-class Exam 1 (cover Ch 7 and 8); Wed, Ch 9.1.1; Fri, Ch 9.1.2
Week 7: Mon, Ch 9.1.3; Wed, Ch 9.2; Fri, Ch 9.3;
Week 8: Mon, Ch 9.4, HW 3 post; Wed, Ch 9.4; Fri, Ch 9.5;
Week 9: Mon, Review of Ch 9; Wed, Ch 10.1, HW 3 due; Fri, special topic
Week 10: Mon, In-class Exam 2 (cover Ch 9); Wed, Ch 10.2, HW 4 post; Fri, Ch 10.3
Week 11: Mon, Review of Ch 10; Wed, Ch 11.1.1; Fri, 11.1.2, HW 4 due
Week 12: Mon, Ch 11.1.3; Wed, Ch 11.2 HW 5 post; Fri, Ch 11.3;
Week 13: Mon, holiday; Wed, Review of Ch 11, HW 5 due; Fri, Ch 12. 1;
Week 14: Mon, In-class Exam 3 (Ch 10, 11) ; Wed, Ch 12.2, HW 6 post; Fri, Ch 12. 3;
Week 15: Holiday
Week 16: Mon, Review, HW 6 due; Wed, Review
Homeworks and Exams
There will be 6 homework assignments, each corresponding to one chapter in Griffith. Homework will be collected in-class on the due date. Since we will be posting the solutions on eLearning right after the due date, late submission won’t be accepted. Homework assignments count for 35% of the final score. The lowest score out of the six will be dropped towards the final score calculation.
There will be three in-class exams. The lowest score of the three will be dropped. Each in-class exam takes 20% of the final score. Final count for 25% of the final score.
Policy on Late 0r Makeup Work
Requirements for class attendance and make-up exams, assignments, and other work in this course are consistent with university policies that can be found at: https://catalog.ufl.edu/UGRD/academic-regulations/attendance-policies/. Attendance
will not be monitored; however, exam questions will mostly come from topics discussed in class.
For anyone missing one of the midterms due to an excused absence (illness with doctors note, organized U of F activity requiring your presence elsewhere), there will be a single makeup scheduled after classes end.
If you are to miss the class on a due date for university sanctioned activities, documented illness under care of a doctor, or verifiable family emergency, you may scan or print your homework to a pdf file and email it to the instructor before the class begins—with a document such as a letter from a faculty advisor of your student organization, a physician, or an attorney.
Current UF grading policies may be found at: https://catalog.ufl.edu/UGRD/academicregulations/grades-grading-policies/#gradestext.
The Guaranteed Point Range for this Class is in the following table (The breaks may be
lower but will not be higher.)
Letter Grade Range:
A 100 % to 90 %
A- < 90 % to 85 %
B+ < 85 % to 80 %
B < 80 % to 75 %
B- < 75 % to 70 %
C+ < 70 % to 65 %
C < 65 % to 60 %
C- < 60 % to 55 %
D+ < 55 % to 50 %
D < 50 % to 45 %
D- < 45 % to 40 %
F < 40 % to 0 %
Additional Information
Students with disabilities who experience learning barriers and would like to request
academic accommodations should connect with the disability Resource Center by visiting
https://disability.ufl.edu/students/get-started/. This class supports the needs of
different learners; it is important for students to share their accommodation letter with their
instructor and discuss their access needs as early as possible in the semester.
Students are expected to provide professional and respectful feedback on the quality
of instruction in this course by completing course evaluations online via GatorEvals.
Guidance on how to give feedback in a professional and respectful manner is available
at https://gatorevals.aa.ufl.edu/students/. Students will be notified when
the evaluation period opens, and can complete evaluations through the email they
receive from GatorEvals, in their Canvas course menu under GatorEvals, or via
https://ufl.bluera.com/ufl/. Summaries of course evaluation results are available to
students at https://gatorevals.aa.ufl.edu/public-results/.
UF students are bound by The Honor Pledge which states, “We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honor and integrity by abiding by the Honor Code.” On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.” The Honor Code (https://sccr.dso.ufl.edu/process/student-conductcode/) specifies a number of behaviors that are in violation of this code and the possible sanctions. Furthermore, you are obligated to report any condition that facilitates academic misconduct to appropriate personnel. If you have any questions or concerns, please consultwith the instructor.
Contact information for the Counseling andWellness Center: https://counseling.ufl.edu/,
392-1575. This center provides counseling and support as well as crisis and wellness services
including a variety of workshops throughout the semester (e.g., Yappy Hour, Relaxation and
The Dean of Students Office https://dso.ufl.edu/, 392-1261, provides a variety of
services to students and families, including Field and Fork (UF’s food pantry) and New
Student and Family programs.
ONE.UF (https://one.uf.edu/) is the home of all the student self-service applications,
including access to Advising, the Bursar, 392-0181, Financial Aid, 392-1275, and the
Registrar, 392-1374.